Follow the money: A movement to reduce fossil fuels

By Bill McKibben, guest Opinion writer for the New York Times

Picture credit – Dominick Vanyi at Unsplash

The “invisible hand” described by the 18th-century Scottish philosopher Adam Smith seems to be at work guiding the strategy of disinvestment. During the United Nations climate conference in Glasgow, activists announced that the fossil fuel divestment campaign has reached new heights.

As described by Bill McKibben in his guest opinion essay for the New York Times:

Endowments, portfolios and pension funds worth just shy of $40 trillion have now committed to full or partial abstinence from coal, gas and oil stocks. For comparison’s sake, that’s larger than the gross domestic product of the United States and China combined.

Bill McKibben is a founder of the progressive organizing group Third Act, teaches environmental studies at Middlebury College, and is the author of “Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?”

You can read his Opinion Essay at NYT