Electric vs Gas vehicles: Good for the environment but … are they good for your wallet?

According to Michael Coren, Climate Advice columnist for the New York Times, he has observed that a significant number of hybrid vehicle owners are not utilizing the electric charging feature of their vehicles. Instead, they are solely relying on gasoline to power their cars. This decision is driven by their belief that due to the recent surge in electricity costs, running on gasoline is a more economical option compared to using electric batteries.

Mr. Cohen decided to do the math for each state and, as he describes it “ … I asked researchers at the nonpartisan Energy Innovation, a policy think tank aimed at decarbonizing the energy sector, to help me nail down the true cost of refueling in all 50 states by drawing on data sets from federal agencies, AAA and others. You can dive into their helpful tool here. (LINK)

I used the data to embark on two hypothetical road trips across America, delivering a verdict on whether it costs more to refill or recharge during the summer of 2023.

The results surprised me (and they might really surprise my neighbor).”

According to Mr. Cohen’s study, in Maine the average savings of driving on electricity vs gas will save you $30 per fill-up for a truck, $19 an SUV and $27 for a sedan.

You can read the details of his findings at NYT